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These are links to some of my favourite pages and to some of my favourite people to whom I have met along my journey and who have inspired me in some way or another...Enjoy!



CODY HELEM: A talented young man diversed in all things film, video, anime and creative writing. His photography centers on his daily life and his sense of humour is second to none. He is very dear to my heart and I can't wait to see what an amazing career he continues to build for himself. This is his personal blog page:



JERRY KOBALENKO: Jerry’s writing and photography have appeared in hundreds of publications around the world. A member of the Explorer's Club, his speciality is in Arctic and Labrador adventure - check out his books Arctic Eden and The Horizontal Everest. His act for storytelling catapults you back to those days where one book before bed just wasn't enough:



MILBRY POLK: Also a member of the Explorer's Club, Milbry's writing and photography have taken her across the world. Her niche is as an advocate for women explorers, where her interest has led her to win several awards and to create her own organization which supports women explorers called WINGS WorldQuest:



KATHLEEN WINTER: This quirky, talented and most kind, award-winning writer is best known for her novels boYs and Annabel. She plays a mean accordian and is never far from her little black notepad in which she scribbles down new book ideas and stories:



MARGARET ATWOOD: A famous Canadian poet, novelist, literary critic and essayist. Her work in literature is remarkable and inspires all lovers of writing, myself included...We met on an expedition cruise recently and she is the sweetest. Her new book comes out in September and is called The Heart Goes Last



JENNIFER LARSEN: A writer and online publishing genius for Canadian Traveller and British Columbia magazine, Jennifer's passion for travel has made for some interesting stories. Check out her member page:



BERNADETTE WALSH: Bernadette is the Tourism Development Coordinator at City of St. John's, and is the leading lady of the city's Travel Media program. Her mission is to make tourists fall in love with St. John's - with her as your personal guide, it's bound to happen. She knows everything there is to know about the city and its charm, and continues to go out of her way and beyond to make sure every guest recieves the royal treatment. Check out her work here:

Cody Helem Photo

VICKIE PAGET: Vickie is the editor of Canadian Traveller magazine and the life at every party. She has a facinating talent for making any article sound poetic, visually-detailed and inspiring. Her dedication to CT shows in every issue, as she is a powerhouse of new and creative ideas. She is originally from the UK and has travelled all over the world, sometimes working, most often having the time of her life. She is a hard-working, brilliant, kick-ass woman who I am lucky enough to consider a mentor. Check out some of her travel pieces here:



TOBY SALTZMAN: One of my fellow travel writers and a good friend, Toby is what every travel writer aspires to be. She has an impressive 35+ years working in the business and is a member of the Society of American Travel Writers. She has overcome many challenges as a travel writer and continues to pave the path, happily, for those who follow in her footsteps. A winner of 2010 and 2013 Lowell Thomas Travel Awards. To read some of her cruise articles, visit:



CLAIRE SULLIVAN: If she isn't snuggling her dogs, her new husband or hiking mountains, Claire is promoting and expanding Newfoundland and Labrador's travel and cruise scene. She is the marketing manager at Cruise NL, and is a complete gem of a person. She loves to volunteer for animal charities and shares her upbeat, genuine Newfie attitude with every one she meets. To know more about what she does visit her linked in page:

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